The Port of Marina Uno is Marina Resort, and it is the first touristic port of the Adriatic sea.
Marina Uno is situated in Lignano Sabbiaodoro - Riviera. It is located on the mouth of the Tagliamento's River only 400 meters from the sea.

In the marina there are 400 moorings, optimized by poles for an easy and safe mooring. The moorings range from the dimension of 7,00x2,50 to 20,00x6,00 meters (center pole) and are equipped with electricity and water stations on the deck. The services: mooring assistance day and night by experienced seamen, weather service, parking space with number, boat storage, launch and beaching, technical assistance, toilettes, showers, washing machines and dryers, swimming pool with lifeguard. Moorings for transit are also available. Mooring's availability.
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